
Our Business

Focusing on commercial building leasing and development,
we have accumulated expertise in building operation and management and tenant support.

We specialize in leasing commercial buildings. We own approximately 20 commercial buildings nationwide, mainly in Ikebukuro and Shinjuku.
Our major feature is the ownership, management, and proposal of commercial spaces utilizing our know-how and knowledge of urban functions that we have cultivated as a specialist in commercial building leasing.

We have customers in various industries including restaurants, retail shops, and clinics. We are expanding the range of areas we cover and the services we provide by actively securing properties in highly advantageous locations for our leasing business and attracting quality tenants.

In addition to facility management such as new building acquisition and development, leasing contracts with new tenants, cleaning, repair, and tenant services, we also provide a wide range of services including disaster prevention and fire management.

With a strong desire to contribute more to the revitalization of the city, we are developing food and beverage services business that make effective use of commercial space and creating spaces that can be effectively utilized according to various work styles.

Real Estate Business
Our Business Real Estate Business

Our core business at Kindai Corporation revolves around the leasing of commercial buildings, which are utilized as office spaces by various types of businesses. We value the connections we build with businesses and communities, and our commitment goes beyond just leasing. We actively strengthen bonds through maintenance, support for community development and revitalization, and enhance the quality and contribution of our services.

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Food and Beverage Services Business
Our Business Food and Beverage Services Business

In addition to real estate leasing, we are also expanding food and beverages services business such as franchise stores of Komeda’s Coffee and Hyonchan Pulkogi, utilizing our own leased space.

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Real Estate Business

Our business has focused on leasing commercial buildings. We value our relationships with tenants, focusing on property maintenance and supporting town revitalization, while also emphasizing activities aimed at providing commercial spaces that enhance tenant profitability.

Our goal is not only to meet the needs of various types of customers, but also to help them attract more customers, increase their profits, and continue to contribute to the development and prosperity of the city.

Our attempt Real Estate Business
Our attempt Real Estate Business
Our attempt Real Estate Business
Food and Beverage Services Business

We had a strong desire to enhance our contribution to the city through our real estate business. As part of this commitment, we operate franchise stores of Komeda’s Coffee and Hyonchan Pulkogi, aiming to provide a place where many people can easily use with ease and satisfaction. Our stores, which focus on providing pleasant service, have satisfied many people.

Our attempt Food and Beverage Services Business

Putting people at First ~ Make the most of human resources ~

We believe that it is only through “people” that we can provide high quality services, and we place great importance on “developing individuals” in our efforts.

● Company system

We have a support system for qualification acquisition and business manner training so that our employees can enhance their work expertise and broaden their activities. We have an environment that facilitates the acquisition of qualifications such as bookkeeping, PC certification, and real estate transaction specialist licenses.

Putting people at First Company system

● Supporting challenges

We have a corporate culture that encourages people to take on new challenges so that they can become more proactive. Starting something often comes with challenges and doesn’t work easily. We place more emphasis on the attitude of taking on new challenges rather than on success or failure. Kindai Corporation is full of energy as we propose new projects and launch new events.

Putting people at First Supporting challenges

● Supports a wide variety of work styles

We have employees from various nationalities such as China, Korea, and Taiwan. As working styles and work environments continue to change, we have created an environment where individuals can work without barriers based on nationality or gender, expanding the scope of services we provide.

Putting people at First Supports a wide variety of work styles

● Hot-desking, Remote work

We have implemented hot-desking, where no assigned seats are provided, allowing employees to work from any available desk. This setup enables flexibility for project teams to gather, immerse in focused tasks, and adapt their work style according to the situation. We are also adopting remote work for about two days a week to further improve work efficiency.

Putting people at First Hot-desking, Remote work